Tuesday, November 20, 2007


1. Season of Creation: This truly is a marvel with one of the richest resources on the web:news;prayers and Scripture not only for a series of special Sundays thru the year,eg land,mountain and ocean Sundays,but also sermon suggestions.While an Australian site it is linked to both the USA and European Christian Environmental Network.One great resource.

2. California Interfaith Power and Light: A diverse site containing not only info on the Disciples commitments, and some thoughts on a theological basis for ecostewardship, but also info on green technology.Note particularly the link to the Web of Creation: www.webofcreation.org/.

3.Christian Ecology Links: Includes a daily prayer guide,festivals and green sermon notes,as well as a handy listing of info on issues such as sustainable transport,genetically modified crops and mobile phone masts.

4.Catholic Earthcare Australia: The PowerPoint audit is a must see.

5.Faiths and interfaith links.

* The Climate Institute: Note the series of interfaith statements;CofC is not a signature to any of them.

* Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life: Of particular interest are the resources related to the Jewish festivals:eg. Passover and Shabbat.

* Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences: Note a couple of their documents: "Islam and the Environment", and "Environment and Poverty: 2 sides of one coin".

And if you're interested in finding out who in your street or neighborhood is interested in the environment,check out: http://www.whoonearthcares.com/woec/home.action/ (Type in your post code and check out your neighbors;a product of ACF).

Thanks again to Alan Matheson for these links and resources - SJN.