Thursday, February 15, 2007


An excerpt from TEAR AUSTRALIA's most recent "Changemakers: Advocacy & Action" Newsletter:

Climate Change has been hitting the news a lot recently, particularly with the release on the weekend of the first part of the authoritative report of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis . The report makes it abundantly clear that the world is warming at an unprecedented rate, and that the burning of fossil fuels is the chief cause.

As the Stern report (among many others) has demonstrated, "the most vulnerable - the poorest countries and populations - will suffer earliest and most, even though they have contributed least to the causes of climate change." Because climate change is a justice issue, and one of the greatest challenges posed to sustainable development, TEAR Australia will be working with other groups - through Make Poverty History and through the Climate Change and Development Roundtable - to take action on this critical issue.

Responding To Climate Change - Brisbane

Friday evening 16 March - all day Saturday 17 March
St James' College, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane
Cost: $50 / $30 concession

Organised by the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission, this conference provides people of faith a chance to consider the impacts of climate change, explore the biblical, theological and spiritual dimensions of a Christian response, and learn about practical ways to take action.

Speakers include:

  • Dr Clyde Wild, Associate Professor and Director of the Centre for Innovative Conservation Strategies, Griffith University
  • Col Brown, Executive Officer of Catholic Earthcare Australia

To register, or for further information, contact:

Alana Emerick
07 3336 9351
CJPC, GPO Box 282, Brisbane, 4001